Tired of being financially out of pocket after a total loss on your motor vehicle?
TIRED OF BEING FINANCIALLY OUT OF POCKET AFTER A TOTAL LOSS ON YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE? Every vehicle owner has or may in the future be in the position of experiencing a financial loss when their motor vehicle is either written off in a motor accident or stolen. Insurance companies will only compensate you for the […]
RETIREMENT? DON’T BE CAUGHT NAPPING! Too many people think of retirement planning as something that needs to be done just prior to retirement. Retirement planning actually consists of three phases: Planning (be)for(e) retirement Investment planning at retirement Continuous monitoring of investments after retirement This Finflash deals with Planning before retirement. Planning for retirement should […]
It is time to save on tax
With the 2018 tax year for individuals drawing to a close, investors have a final opportunity before the end of February to reduce their taxable income and pay less tax by contributing to a retirement annuity. Why a retirement annuity? Individuals can contribute up to 27.5%, capped at R 350,000 per year, of their taxable […]
Momentum esposition of the estate settlement process
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Liberty’s vacation checklist
Liberty Advisor Phillip Kassel, CFP® Says: “Before You Travel, Do Your Financial Holiday Check.” You’ve booked your tickets, confirmed your accommodation, informed your security company of your absence, booked the dogs into the parlour, stocked up on the kids’ favorite padkos, and bought all your summer clothes. But what about protecting your lifestyle and that […]